Join the Punk Hunt! We've teamed with @saveartspace to present Pixelated, a month-long, New York City-wide public art exhibition of Larva Labs' CryptoPunks.
— Christie's (@ChristiesInc) May 10, 2021
Visit the link for the location of each CryptoPunk ahead of our sale of 9 CryptoPunks tomorrow:
Several multi-million dollar individual Punk sales had already occurred on the LarvaLabs CryptoPunk contract’s native trading platform before this Christies sale, leaving many highly optimistic for an absolutely astounding result. SaveArtSpace having their second city-wide public ad space art exhibition launching in New York city right on top of the auction really made a perfect compliment to this incredible event.
Cryptopunks invade NYC @larvalabs
— SaveArtSpace (@saveartspace) May 10, 2021
The Christie's auction on May 11 marks an historic moment of pop culture significance. It also officially brings Punks into the mainstream. In celebration, we have brought the Punks from Miami to New York!”
You might have spotted one of the Punks being auctioned on display throughout the streets of NYC on billboards, bus stops and phone booths on the day of the Christies auction! The digital displays really do make the Punks look great too. One could only imagine how Christies would choose to showcase Punks, and just how much the bundle would sell for...
#AuctionUpdate 9 rare CryptoPunks from Larva Labs' own collection makes history realizing $16,962,500
— Christie's (@ChristiesInc) May 12, 2021

Just a week after launching their 3rd NFT project, Meebits, the Larva Labs developer’s auctioned 9 CryptoPunks with Christies for $16.9 million. The second largest NFT auction of all time, trailing only Beeple’s $69 million ‘Everydays: The First 5,000 Days’ Christies auction. Incredible! Though this all might sound pretty great, not everyone cared for how the Punk auction was handled.
1/ How Christies Fucked Up the Punks Auction
— gmoney.eth (@gmoneyNFT) May 12, 2021
This was supposed to be it. Punks in prime time! A record breaking sale! To the moon! 🚀🚀🚀
Oh wait.... Not if Christie's had anything to say about it!
Christie's messing up the CP auction was the community's wake up call that there is no saving these legacy institutions. We build our own.
— Emmy (@emmya1m) May 12, 2021
Did @ChristiesInc try to hide the CryptoPunks?! Wtf, lol. Still sold for $14.5M and they didn't even educate potential buyers. We comin' for the old guard, y'all. Too bad for them. This is motivating as f and proof they can be beaten.
— JUSTIN (@justintrimble) May 12, 2021
At one point there seemed to be some confusion as to whether or not ETH would be accepted as part of the auction. There was also some uncertainty as to whether DAOs were allowed to participate in the auction at all thanks to KYC and regulatory hurdles. These could have been some of the largest potential bidders! It’s also been theorized that some of the expected interest in this auction could have been influenced by news of an upcoming Sothebys NFT auction ‘Natively Digital’, which also features an Alien CryptoPunk auction. With the prospect of another Alien going up for sale, and getting to further gauge market interest, it doesn’t seem farfetched that interested parties might take a wait and see approach. Shortly after the auction, once community ‘concerns’ had been voiced, there actually was a very respectful exchange with understandings reached.
1/3 Context from @ChristiesInc employee regarding the CryptoPunk lot presentation:
— JUSTIN (@justintrimble) May 13, 2021
Perhaps there’s not so much to be upset about after all. The event was groundbreaking, regardless of the selling price. There is even another Christies CryptoPunk auction scheduled in the near future. One which features Straybits single attribute Ape Cowboy!
Simply resplendent @justinaversano, you perform feats of modern magic.
— straybits (@straybits1) May 15, 2021
With one major Larva Labs NFT auction behind us and a couple more coming soon, there is still a whole lot to be excited about! The shift we’ve seen over the past year in the NFT space has been more than stunning. Mainstream NFT adoption is past the point of needing any further validation, household names like Christies, Sothebys, and now Ebay have clarified NFTs for the masses.
EBay taps into NFT frenzy, allows sale on platform
— Reuters (@Reuters) May 11, 2021