How MoonHeads New NFT Project will Change Advertising Forever!

How MoonHeads New NFT Project will Change Advertising Forever!

Have you ever heard of TxStreet? If you haven’t, you need to learn. It’s free visualizer that shows you a real-time transaction animation using adorable meme characters. In some ways, it’s quite mesmerizing, and a pleasant soundless visual to have in the background. 

TxStreet last year launched MoonHeads, which immediately sparked an innovative advertising model. Depending on your MoonHead’s “Chattiness” trait, as often as every four days, you could reserve a 1-5 hour ad on TxStreet.

Now they’re back with a hilarious collection of goofy animals known as ZooMers.

Zoomers will come with the ability to reserve ads on TxStreet, voting on new features including NFT/DeFi analytics (coming soon), and will have 3D models for easy integration into popular metaverses. ZooMers will all come with .blend, .obj., and .MA file downloads to make this possible.

They’ve partnered with threepanelcrimes.eth, the creator of Three Panel Crimes comics, to create a special MoonHeads multiverse series, and there are also some ambitious plans for the future that are not yet revealed. This team is 🔥🔥🔥so I’m bullish. So is VB.

Only 5,000 ZooMers will be available to mint, but the reality is that if you weren’t on the whitelist, that number is more like 4,000. Minting price is 0.05 ETH for public mint, and the Discord and Twitter are popping.

According to their ama-text channel in Discord, their plan is to go opensource with TxStreet and let MoonHeads determine what to do with the frontend, essentially allowing the frontend to connect with multiple backends, i.e., true decentralization.

I asked tomx.eth what his ultimate “pie in the sky” dream is with MoonHeads. He said:

 “My dream would be to see MoonHeads be a successful governance body of TxStreet, which would be a self-evolving educational tool for newcomers to the space. Basically, TxStreet would become a DAO with MoonHeads in complete control, and they would reap the benefits of any success through advertisements and price appreciation of their MoonHeads. I think there is so much potentional to create interactive tools for blockchain education, and am excited to see where things go next with TxStreet. Of course, this transition from centralized to decentralized would take a lot of time and effort to achieve and I’m ready to work to get there.”

Decentralized advertising? I think that’s something that everyone can get on board with. If you want to mint, you better do it fast. If you missed out, snatch a few on OpenSea and get your advertising space in Web3!

This is not financial advice and I encourage you to do your own diligent research before making any investments.

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