... using the technology created by Zero Utility Team to permanently show their love for one another on the blockchain.ย
The couple are from the state of Assam in India and met in Crypto chat rooms. Samujjal is part of the ZUT team and is a DJ better known as "DJ ilLusive sAm," and Pongkhi is a fashion blogger.ย

I can only do so much in describing this fairytale love story, so here is an excerpt from sAm on how the two met:
"So, I met her online initially on Facebook + Instagram + WhatsApp brought us to where we are now. And yes, Crypto & Blockchain played an important role in our story.
It all started from me commenting on one of her insta post. She is a fashion blogger too, and I used to be in mad love with blogging and WordPress on the sidelines, lolย ๐
Anyways, I found out that she was also interested in Blockchain and Crypto, and the best part she understood about it!
I was like, WTF!
I was surprised that she knew about it because it was basically nerd talk, and girls had little to no interest in crypto in our area back then. It was really underground the whole scene and community of crypto and Blockchain in our area.
I was in the space from 2016, and I met her online in 2017, just near the ATH.
So, a lot of interest ushered with the blogging community as well. Speeches related to crypto were done in the blogger's meet. Where I had a glimpse of her sitting in the hall. (First meet in the real world with her in the blogger's meet)
Anyways, I happened to have and still have a Blockchain locale community in WhatsApp named "BlockHead," started way back at that time. And I swear she was the only girl in that whole group.
Later we used to have long hours of chats only about Blockchain & Crypto. Those were pure dorm room nerd talk! No Romance... pure nerd stuff!
But somehow, amidst those crypto chats... we fell for each other.
And I swear again, both of us are not nerds (or maybe we areย ๐).
Fast forward now, after about 3 years, we are about to have an engagement. The rings too being a part of our crypto journey."

In search for the perfect ring:
sAm wanted to make a blockchain memento for their wedding that would also be a physical NFT to signify their crypto roots. Being a team member of ZUT was able to use ZUT โs experience in making their physical $ZUT to make their wedding rings.
The two wedding rings are being created by the ZUT team. Here's the crazy part about everything, both rings will have an NFC/RFID chip in them. The chip will then trigger the user's phone to open Metamask. From here, the NFTs will be permanently glued to the wallet. Just how love should work, the NFT cannot be transferred or burned from the wallet. This whole process is what makes this marriage permanent and legit.
The chips will be able to store NFT/Blockchain information and Chriatain Caine Jewelry authentication (The jeweler who made these rings). The chips are also planned on storing adorable pictures from their honeymoon.

This wedding is the cutest form of disruption blockchain has to offer, which could even set a new example in marriages. The blockchain has taught us how important immutability is, and we at the Gazette know that this will hold true for the love Samujjal Choudhury and Pongkhi Pegu have for each other.ย
You guys are the cutest! Congratulations!'
Now go make toddler hodlers!!!