Shameless Shilling: MoonHeads

Shameless Shilling: MoonHeads

Who are we?

We’ve been blockchain enthusiasts since 2013, and have always had the goal of onboarding as many people as possible into the crypto-verse.

We built our first crypto project, TxStreet, to help newcomers understand the wonderful and liberating new technology of blockchains, in a fun visual way. Released in 2018, our transaction visualizer allows users to view real time activity on various blockchains, track their transactions, track gas prices, and learn about various projects through curated tid-bits of information. It wasn’t long before the creator of Ethereum himself became a fan of us...

I recommend reading his tweet storm for some great insight.

Launching MoonHeads

Last year, we decided to offer our users a way to express their passion and creativity on TxStreet, so we launched our NFT project, MoonHeads in December 2020. Cute little cartoon inspired characters living in the metaverse with big ambitions. They come in very limited sets, for example there are only 10 copies of our sold out “Moon Boy” character from the Space 2021 genesis set.

“So they have utility, what can you do with them?”. Currently, the most lucrative aspect of owning a MoonHead is the ability to reserve free text ads on TxStreet. Depending on your MoonHead’s “Chattiness” trait, you will be able to reserve a 1-5 hour ad, as frequent as every 4 days, with a cooldown. More information can be found on the ad reservation page.

Another feature is “linking” your MoonHead to your Ethereum address so that all of your transactions on TxStreet will be displayed using that character. We also have been planning mini games from the start, currently in development, with generous prizes for the top players. As well as a more ambitious decentralized game akin to the Dark Forest game built with zkSNARKs. Hint: Your MoonHead traits will play a large part in these games, and early MoonHeads have the best competitive traits.

Of course there are more exciting things that we haven’t made public... yet. ;)

Giveaway to RedLionEye Gazette Issue #47 Owners!

All issue #47 owners will be automatically entered into a raffle for a “Man in Black” NFT valued at 0.35 ETH. The winner will be announced on our Twitter, on August 16 2pm EST. As a bonus for all issue #47 owners, you will be airdropped a MoonHead (Character TBA) from an upcoming set! Come by our Discord to stay in the loop.

© 2020–2025 Redlion NFT Corp. | Crafted with love in-house.