... be sure to switch to that #autoglyphs channel, there’s some impressive recent activity in there! If you have never attended the Larva Labs Discord chat, you are missing out on quite a sight to see.
Very busy night for the Autoglyphs: https://t.co/UiBnvvdqyy https://t.co/2FETLPabIw
— Larva Labs (@larvalabs) February 13, 2021
A few strong handed NFT holders in this particular small circle have long insisted this was inevitable. More than overdue. The first on-chain generative art on the Ethereum blockchain was nothing to sneer at nearly two years ago, and certainly isn’t today. Now, it is one thing reading about these fantastic sales, but it is another to be present to observe this price action for yourself in Discord. There is also much more being discussed among this savvy group other than Punk and Glyph sales. Many consider it to be the collective NFT sector's primary community hub. Might be a good time to check it out if you haven’t before. Things could just be warming up…
New arrivals to #NFTs this week, @garyvee, @novogratz, @chamath, @kevinrose & @lindsaylohan + many more, welcome to the year of #NFTs! pic.twitter.com/29BSZ7yrlo
— Pranksy 📦 (@pranksyNFT) February 13, 2021
An NFTX AutoGlyph pool proposal was recently announced, perhaps prompting interested new buyers to quickly purchase the most affordable Glyphs on sale. This exceptionally rare NFT is limited to a total supply of 512, the floor price of Glyphs rapidly rose by more than 300% from 14 ETH to 50 ETH in a matter of days... Forget about the last ~ 10 months of AutoGlyph price activity!
Estimating conservatively, if you'd put your entire $1200 stimulus check straight into Autoglyphs back in April, they'd be worth $69040.40 right now (+5653.37%) pic.twitter.com/zpUR3v0Jwm
— dan_OpenSea 🌊 (@dan_OpenSea) February 9, 2021
The original AutoGlyph announcement was made by Artnome.com on April 8th 2019. Anyone interested should read the excellent overview and developer interview covering this revolutionary project. Only fitting Larva Labs lead in creating the first generative on-chain art. It seems to me the visual / aesthetic could have been taken in many directions, and @Matt2000 and @Pents90 totally nailed it with AutoGlyphs.

From the Artnome interview:
'Does the code for generating the image live on the blockchain? Or is there actually an image on the blockchain?
John Watkinson: The code lives on the blockchain, and in fact, when you ask the blockchain for the image, it will just generate it again for you. That part happens on an end node, so that doesn't cost any actual money or gas. But whenever you say, “Give me the image for Autoglyph five", it will just generate it again for you based on the seed information that was created in the transaction.'
Matt Hall: It's probably also worth making the distinction between the image and the instructions to generate different representations of it. The actual image you see on the website is not generated on the blockchain. The art, the instructions for how to write it are on the blockchain, but we make an SVG or PNG file on the web server. If that was your question, then no, the actual image data doesn't come off the blockchain, but there's an ASCII representation of exactly what that is on there. It's an ASCII art representation of the glyph.'

The result speaks for itself. Both the final images and their ASCII representations are undeniably outstanding pieces of art. All the characters neatly arranged together into stunning and unique individual shapes and patterns…
Personally, I can’t imagine a more fitting equivalent to digital gems.
Immutable, decentralized, digital gems.
Yes, yes, yes.
What else can be said? This will always be an extremely tough act to follow, and that is very, very exciting!
The circle is complete: the playground is open with ~40 examples and demos, a live-code editor, a manual, and many text- and ascii-art related resources.
— ertdfgcvb (@andreasgysin) January 6, 2021
Long live ASCII Art!
Manual:https://t.co/w2CCyJ6Emg pic.twitter.com/Blq2PTCixk
1,000 ETH Alien CryptoPunk Bids

$1.8 Million bidder on the hunt. Most Impressive!

Perhaps even more impressive, the bids remain unaccepted and uncountered.
Those single attribute Punks do command a bit of a premium... :)