Evi is based in London, United Kingdom. Throughout her creative journey, she always incorporated new media with her photography, whilst also approaching taking a photo from an illogical POV. She asserts that analogue photography will always be her medium of choice.

Two years ago, AI tech was added to her toolkit; she claims to be “obsessed with how it has allowed [her] to create outside of what [she] thought [she] knew”. When it comes to NFTs, she says that being chronically online as well as constantly having some technical component to her work made it “easy enough to fall into the rabbit hole”. This new tech has inspired her work extensively, from both a technological and cultural frame.
‘Closed Circuit’, the piece she created for the Redlion collaboration, is a mashup of 2 of her current series ‘peacenik’ and ‘Surveillance State’ which use AI to generate alternative realities.
“I wanted to create a cover that wouldn’t look out of place if it was on Wired Magazine from the 90s; it’s an amalgamation of easily recognisable figures and technology paired with unnerving imagined CCTV streams. We’re very familiar with the devices and techniques that are used to track and surveil us, but are incognisant to what the outputs on the other-side look like and who is viewing them.”