He welcomes people to take a glimpse of what goes on in his imagination: abstract narratives and characters that grip to reality by their fingertips. He challenges the often-clinical cleanliness of the digital space with custom textures and brushes that recreate analogue aesthetics within a medium that can never age the same way as traditional methods would as they are exposed to the elements.

WhereIDraw strives to create artwork that people will connect with, inviting viewers to read into his pieces and mould their own stories around it. He uses his art as a tool to decode the world around him and provide an escape from the mundane grind of everyday life, inspired by his own experiences and driven by his inner child: full of dreams, magic and fantasy.

A strong believer in the community aspect of the NFT world, he co-founded and ran the Clubhouse NFT’s Good Vibes room every weekday for 4 months, which grew to thousands of members encouraging and helping those new to the space to find their own voice in NFTs. Now he is handing the reins over to the Good Vibes community and getting ready to launch even more of his own work as daily drops of editions and 1/1’s.

You can follow his journey on Twitter and Instagram on @whereidraw or join his discord to keep up to date with what he does next.
Check out free NFT ArtDrop by WhereIDraw here